My favourite paints for kids

I thought I would share some of my favourite art supplies for kids. I love these washable dot paint markers for kids. I can't find these particular ones online but I bought these in my local toy shop. I guess they are kind of like bingo pens but they come in an array of colours. We like to use them to decorate plain paper for personalised gift wrap. We have been using this set for over a year now and they are still going strong. My 17 month old likes using these too.

We also like the Faber-Castell Finger paints which come in a set of six. The small pots of colour are great, but only last a few sessions (if that).

"Blue Heart" January 2012

I'm still looking for some good paint in tubes or large format. I did buy some large bottles at my local art shop, but the colours dry dull and are still potentially messy after they have supposedly "dried". They are so successfully washable that the paint will get wet again if you touch the work with slightly damp hands. Please note that my son is using the paint that I am not fond of. I put it in the little Faber-Castell pots.

What are your favourite paints for kids?

Leaf rubbings

The other day we were driving in the car and my son was talking about the different sizes of leaves on the trees. Aha I said, we should do some leaf rubbings! So a few days later we set off on a walk to collect some different leaves to try. It was still a bit hard for my four year old to get much impression from rubbing over the paper and leaves, so I did need to help him at times. My one and a half year old also had a go.

Beach Holiday

Just spent 10 days on a traditional Lloyd summer holiday with extended in-law family; around 30 of us in total this year. By traditional, see patched up beach umbrella which has seen its fair share of beach holidays. The break was much needed after December craziness... Bah humbug (Honestly dislike pre-Christmas more and more each year). Came back home a few days ago feeling refreshed and invigorated, ready to start 2012 with renewed enthuisiasm. Again vowing to think of ways to create a stress free Christmas this year.

Kangaroo Valley

A few photos from a trip to the country in Spring. The echidna was crossing the road as we drove along and I stopped to take this photo. He/she ambled down a driveway after letting me take some pictures. It was the first echidna I have ever seen in the wild!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I am busy working on a very exciting project!

Spring in the garden

Hurrah for spring, life is good right now. I am enjoying my work immensely, my kids are a beautiful age (one and almost 4) so very cute and playing well together (most of the time). The washing can go outside every day and dries in the sun. It makes such a difference doesn't it?

An experiment, growing carrots in old clay pipes.

My first strawberry for the season. I got to eat it this time, last year the possums and birds ate them all. To my utter dismay "the Cat" takes after his Dad and refuses to eat fruit.

Philotheca flowers in a vinegar bottle.

The little antique pecks fish paste bottle we found in the backyard now holds lavender on the kitchen windowsill.